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Aug 29, 2012

SLP Tip of the Week: The Mirror

The Mirror:

I'm going to start my tips for you and your kiddos where we started-the mirror. Whether your child has slight speech delay or oral apraxia its your job as mommy to teach them self-awareness of their tongue and that they can use it. Using a mirror helps them to see how they make sounds, to focus, listening skills, and obviously talk. Plus kids are fascinated with seeing themselves.
FYI we started this at almost age 3.

What you need:
  • A kitchen table or a floor (clear of distractions and toys)
  • A mirror
  • A timer (Keep track: if you're doing this for more then 10 minutes its too long, especially for little boys)
  • Patience and joy
 First sit facing your child/them facing you. Tell your child that you want to talk to him/her and want them to talk to you-smile.
      (This is a great place to start because if your child cannot say their name or pronounce it correctly then they might have trouble making friends when asked at the playground, "what's your name?" and they cannot answer).

Go slowly be patient!
Say, "Your name is X?" (smile at them and point to your mouth)
Say, "What is your name?"(hold your hands out so they know its a question) 
Answer for them first pointing at your mouth. "Your name is X."
Repeat again pointing to your mouth as you say their name. Smile.

Add the mirror.
Then say it again looking at yourself holding the mirror up to your face so they can see and understand what you're doing. "My name is m-o-m-m-y (pointing to mouth)." Repeat a few times.

Say, "Your turn."
Put child on your lap if they're little, have them hold the mirror and  hold their hand holding the mirror so both are in view. Mommy say, "X, my name is X (pointing to their mouth so they can see and hear you say their name to make a cognitive connection.)

Lastly, with child still on lap and looking into mirror say their name looking at yourself. Say, "its your turn, now say your name" and have child say their name looking at themselves in the mirror. Go back and forth.

Never say "no"/instead say very good and very close. Let's try again.
Never say "not like that"/instead say "good, now try it like this"
Never say "you're not doing it right"/instead say "let's try it one more time with a hug or a high five"
Remember this is to get them comfortable with a mirror for future practice.

Mommy's remember to be fun, happy, and abundantly affirming! 

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