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Oct 14, 2011

Workbook Friday AKA Happy Camper Free-style Day (yes I just made a snowboarding reference!)

The Engineer practicing his letter in his Brain Quest Pre-K book.
Jr. practicing his letters in his Kumon book

On Fridays we keep things light and simple. I let the boys pick out which activities they'd like to do instead of following their specific curriculum's. 

Then the Engineer picked out Kumon first book of cutting.

The boys both concentrate well when cutting, I'm not sure but I think it will improve their hand/eye coordination.

The Engineer tracing and learning his numbers. I cannot believe we are already finishing up week seven.

Jr. working in his Scholastic beginning math level 1 workbook. He tends to go a little fast with math because he likes it but I have to gently remind him that he needs to actually absorb the material plus its for first graders so he'll probably be reviewing it all again next year.

Next the Engineer wanted to try out cutting and pasting from his Kumon workbook. Boys are so much more hands on when it comes to-well-everything! They would go through a whole book if I let them.

Jr. cut out a pickle piece.

Then insisted on including the picture on the page of what its supposed to look like, after he was done.

And how do I manage this with the TQB running around? By keeping the tiny queen bee busy with play-dough at the end of the table. She usually last only 15-20minuetes at a time per activity. But still is so happy!

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