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Sep 13, 2012

Bugs, Insects, and Mud Oh My!

This weeks unit is about insects! Because it rained A LOT this week we mostly did indoor stuff, but had a little time one afternoon to get elbow deep in the bugs and mud in our backyard. We learned a lot, had fun, played games, and yes caught bugs!

Day 1: Dazzling Dragonfly Craft

Day 2: Flashcards review and hand lens investigating

This image is chosen randomly from a collection
Day 3:  Internet research, coloring printouts, and insect games galore
Day 4: Fireflies Craft
Day 5: Catching bugs
 Found these cute bug catchers at the dollar store. I showed the kids how to flip over a rock to find all sorts of interesting bugs in the dirt. Then we scooped them up with our handy-dandy shovels and put them inside.

Make learning about bugs fun, even if you're a person not very fond of them.

*Interesting fact: Many foods we eat have insects or insect parts in them, that we don't see. The Department of Health and Human Services has set a standard called the Food Defect Action Levels, which (to quote a publication) "are set on the basis of no hazard to health... These levels are set because it is not possible, and never has been possible, to grow in open fields, harvest and process crops that are totally free of natural defects."

Happy Entomology Exploration,
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