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Oct 24, 2012

Egypt Unit Study and Lapbook Day 2

Welcome to Day 2 of our Egypt Study: Mummies!

My First Lapbook (a project in the process for future years).

 Day 2: Mummies

We started with a few lapbook activities including cutting out and coloring a mummy fold-out. The mummy fold out shows how a wealthy Pharaoh would be buried with multiple layers of fancy wrapping.
Junior working diligently on his Lapbook
Another cute activity for the lapbook, a mummy maze.
·     Mini-Mummy Report Book (use the following book listed to find the answers with your student)-or read off my answers then have them write them in on the lines.
o   Page 1:  What is a mummy? A mummy is a dead body that gets dried out so it won’t rot. A dried out body can stay the same for thousands of years.

o   Page 2: How is a mummy made?
§  1. The guts are taken out and put in jars. Egyptians believed that people thought with their hearts, so the heart was left in the body.
§  2. Next the body was covered in special salt called natron. Then after 40 days the salt was cleaned off.
§  3. Oil, tree sap, and wax were put on the body and the body was stuffed with sawdust or cloth to keep its shape.
§  4. Then the body was wrapped with strips of cloth. Amulets (or good luck charms) were wrapped between the cloths.
§  5. Now the mummy was done and put in a coffin and into a tomb.
I wrote his answers then had him write in the last one.
o   Page 3: What are the 3 types of mummies?
§  1. Poor and Not-so-Poor mummy-were wrapped any old way
§  2. Kind-of-rich Mummies-were neatly wrapped and put in a coffin
§  3. Rich mummies-very well wrapped with a mask sometimes in gold, jewels, etc.
The first picture (from the left) show a mummy wrapped any old way because he was probably not very wealthy. The second is wrapped nicely and even has a simple mask. The third he drew was very wealthy Pharaoh and is even covered with a mask that was gold plated such as King Tut.
 o   Page 4: Where are mummies found in Egypt?
§  Have student color in map.
o   Page 5: What items were buried with mummies?
§  Amulets (good luck charms such as jewelry, jewels)
§  Sometimes wealthy Egyptians were buried with pet cat, or their favorite things like games, poems, furniture, money, food.
§  Egyptians believed in afterlife, life after death so they would bury themselves, if they were rich enough, with anything they thought they would need to live in the afterlife.
o   Page 6: If you were a mummy what would you want buried with you?
   Read book “Valley of the Golden Mummies” by Joan Holub
Found this cute book at the library which we used to learn most of our information. Initially we checked out the book to learn about mummies but then Jr. decided that he wanted to make his own report book ;) Stay Tuned for Day 3 or take a look at Day 2.

1 comment:

  1. He looked like he was working so hard to color those mummies :) My daughter is really into Egypt, watches documentary's on them, reads books, etc. I have been thinking about putting a Unit Study together and you have made me decide to do it now. So, thank you for sharing! I enjoyed your post :)

    Keri- A Home Schooling, Online Curricula Using, Unit Studies Loving, Co-Op Teaching, Craft Making ~>Momma<~ to DD & DS :`)


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