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Apr 14, 2012

S is for Snowflake Week

Building 3d snowflakes!
Even though its spring we actually got a few days of light snow coincidentally this week when going over the letter S with my Little Engineer Pre-K son. He's following the Letter of the Week Curriculum from Confessions of a Homeschooler. But because I've already posted many pictures of the activities I thought I'd show off some of the extra curricular activities.

Activity 1: Making 3D Snowflakes!

  • 2 different colors of construction paper
  • scissors
  • Elmer's glue
  • hole punch
  • string
Step 1:
Start by folding a 8.5x11 piece of construction paper into a square then cut off the remainder paper on fold crease.

Step 2: Fold the square piece of construction paper in 4 equal sized pieces. So out of the original 8.5x11 sheet you should have 4 small squares. Repeat steps one and two to end up with 6 small squares total. Take one piece and fold diagonally, then again along the diagonal crease.

Step 3: Cut 3 lines from bottom to top point approximately 1 cm apart. Make sure to not cut all the way through! Repeat with all 6 squares.

Step 4: Carefully unfold cut triangles then attach middle cuts with glue.

Hold down for 5 seconds .
Cuts should not go through the main center crease.
Attach the 2 center pieces with glue.
 Step 5: Flip over and glue second row together with same method then repeat gluing and flipping until all rows are glued together. This is one a six pieces needed to complete 3D snowflake.

Flip after row 1
Glue Row 3 then flip again
Glue row 2 then flip again
Junior gluing row 4
Little Engineer gluing row 2            
A large version completed

Step 6: Repeat step 5 six times to create six 3D flakes, then attach all six together by gluing then from one point.

Use hole puncture and attach string. Hang in classroom and enjoy!
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