Letting Your Light Shine
My children will not go to bed unless their night-light is on. It doesn't put out much light, but in my children's eyes, that night-light makes a very dark, frightening room a cozy safe place to sleep.
That night-light has changed the way I see my role as a Christian. I used to hear Christ's words about "letting my light shine" and feel really overwhelmed, thinking I would have to be a really outstanding Christian to even be seen in this dark world of ours. But now I realize that although I may not be the best Christian in the world (my gift of salvation was free), my light may be all someone needs to feel safe and cozy in this scary, dark world. So I'll just keep on shining!
God, let you light shine through me, bringing comfort and hope to others, Amen.
-Leanne Ciampa Hadley
As I grow as a women, mom, wife, I find it very helpful to pray into life the wise verses of the Bible and also take the positive thoughts and prayers of women who have gone before me. I enjoy reading their stories, praying their prayers, and uses their advice for encouragement in my own journey. I hope it's affirming for you as well!
Grace to You,

That night-light has changed the way I see my role as a Christian. I used to hear Christ's words about "letting my light shine" and feel really overwhelmed, thinking I would have to be a really outstanding Christian to even be seen in this dark world of ours. But now I realize that although I may not be the best Christian in the world (my gift of salvation was free), my light may be all someone needs to feel safe and cozy in this scary, dark world. So I'll just keep on shining!
God, let you light shine through me, bringing comfort and hope to others, Amen.
-Leanne Ciampa Hadley
As I grow as a women, mom, wife, I find it very helpful to pray into life the wise verses of the Bible and also take the positive thoughts and prayers of women who have gone before me. I enjoy reading their stories, praying their prayers, and uses their advice for encouragement in my own journey. I hope it's affirming for you as well!
Grace to You,