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About Us

Mama: I am the wife of a smart and lovely man of almost 8 years and a mama of 3 spirited kiddos. Originally a Colorado native I grew up loving the outdoors. The idyllic scenery's from Colorado are still ingrained in my mind but my God, my family, my husband and children, are the most important thing to me in my life. My purpose is to love and care for them by honoring and serving God with my whole heart. 

Junior: My oldest of three is a first grader this year. Full of energy and life he is a joy to be around. He has a servants heart and helps me a lot around the house. He enjoys trains and models, any art project, legos, and currently soccer.

 The Engineer: My mini-smart pre-k squirt. I nick-named him the engineer because he constantly points out structural designs when outside or in the car, especially water tunnels, detention ponds, you get the idea. Maybe he'll grow up to be a hydralic engineer or maybe not, either way its what he loves right now. That and trains, fire trucks, puzzles, and using his BIG voice. But we love him.
My Sweet Pea: The smallest member of our little clan but certainly not to be missed. She is sweet but also very certain of her likes and dislikes. She enjoys toys-especially her tea set and loves to hug our big dog and lay on him. She likes to be included in school and loves music and dancing, even sometimes makes up her own song.
 Dad: My husband is civil engineer and hard working man. His enjoys pretty much every sport and loves to wrestle with our kiddos on the family room floor. Originally an Ohio native but now a hi-bred ohio-coloradoan and likes the outdoor probably as much as me. A born-again Christian who loves God and serves his family.

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