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Mar 22, 2012

Texture Books

Create a Texture Book
 Children explore their sense of touch by classifying textures
  • different textured materials
  • large sheets of construction paper
  • glue crayons
  • scissors
  • stapler
Children will use observation, classification, and language skills to explore objects with different textures.
Let kids explore the objects in their baskets for a while. Encourage to feel objects again and help them find words to modeling descriptive language: "Look this one feels soft and smooth. Can you find another one that feels soft and smooth."
1. Have the children group objects that feel similar together like ribbon and yarn. As they work discuss the items and ask how they are alike?
2. Some children may want to be "texture scientists." Give each child an object then ask them to search the room for a similar textured object, or an object that feels the same. This activity can help children practice comparative thinking.
3. Together, sort the textured scraps into similar piles. Then invite children to make a collage. Each textured item on a separate page. 
4. Review the book together, asking children to describe and compare the textures. Invite children to dictate decribing their pictures.
Are children able to group textures in more than one category, such as "soft and bumpy?" 

Books: The Usborne books: That's Not My... (dolly, car, monster, etc.) Love these books because they discuss many different textures, they're sturdy and fun.   

 I really appreciate my art trays because they help keep the mess down. The boys did great with this activity and I know they wanted more to do.
We used yarn, shredded paper, ribbon, twigs, cotton balls, and burlap twine for our textures. The leaves didn't make it through the experiment ;0
The boys took turns gluing the textures into their collage books.


Twice Exceptional!

Twice Exceptional Children Overlooked

“Too often the strengths and interests of Gifted-Learning Disabled students are either unrecognized, seen but ignored, put on hold, or are irksome because they are the wrong talents for conventional school achievement.” − Susan Baum and Steven Owen

Please read entire article. It should only take a few minutes and its totally worth it. Whether an educator of any kind, a parent of a special needs child, or just a parent of 'normal' kids- YOU will at some point come in contact with kids like this. Rather then ignoring them because of discomfort, fear, or lack of information on the subject, you will come into contact with them- Whether at a restaurant, the park, the mall, or maybe they're a boy or girl in your kids' class. A seed of awareness is all it takes to make known what it barely known to most people but it will make a world of difference. 

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