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Jun 11, 2012

Fire Safety Week!

You're probably wondering why I waited so long to start our fire safety unit. Our city has a special event called 'Meet the Trucks.' In a nutshell our local park brings in all the vehicles included in safety including fire trucks, police cars, sheriff department cars, and even a S.W.A.T. car AND a Lake Erie Police patrol boat for kids to come and see, even walk through.

The lines were very long but well worth the wait. The boys were able to walk through the lake boat and fire truck, and ring the bell. It was a great way to spark their interest about safety, the purpose of those vehicles and the occupations that go along with them.

On Mondaty, we started with a cute Little Critter book: Going to the Firehouse
This is a kindergarten level book that Jr. can now read through on his own.

Then we practiced what the book teaches to do if you are on fire: Stop, Drop, and Roll

and Roll
Then the boys started activities, a few for each day from  Fireman Learning Printables
For Kindergarten Jr. worked through a series of activities including:

Handwriting, a dice safety game, Ff sorting, beginning letter sound, greater than/less than practice, measuring.

 Word hunt, letter hunt practice, dice race, find the picture that is different, and match the word to the pictures.

Number order, coloring page, and alphabet maze, and how many drops of rain does it take to put out the fire?

The Little Engineer worked through a Preschool Lapbook also from Homeschool Creations.

Front: A 16 piece puzzle for him to glue on.
Coloring fire hydrants, learning fire vocab words, writing my name, practicing completing patterns, and count the dots on the Dalmation.
Back: match the picture to its shadow activity
My Little Engineer working through his lapbook. If you're wondering what a lapbook is click here.

Lastly, what would learning be without books? We looked through these at the end of the day, some are picture books and the others are non-fiction, so a good balance to help the boys see many aspects of fire, firemen, and safety.

At the end of the week we had a fake fire drill where we went over the evacuation plan and told them where we meet outside. I did not set off our alarms but instead used a sound effect video from YouTube. The kids didn't really take it too serious so we'll need to do this drill over and over again until they are older and understand it better. Overall it was a fun week and I'm very excited to move into our police safety unit.

Grace to You, Jenna

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