Books Are So Much Fun To Read!
Once a week I head to the local library by myself to pick up our weekly readers. Any unit study books we might need. Level reader books for each day of the week for Junior. Books based on our science topic of the week. Picture books for the kids to enjoy. And because I do enjoy some afternoon "down-time" reading maybe a book for me too, usually mine takes me a few weeks to read.
Junior has not, I do not kid, put this books down since I brought it home from the library. What a great way to spur on imagination then to look through a book solely based on Legos (this is one of Junior's favorite hobbies right now). Call me old fashioned but I miss the days of just plain old Lego blocksto play and to create an entire story. Now everything comes in sets and since we simply cannot afford to buy every set, except maybe just one for a birthday or Christmas present, this is a great alternative. He can stare at the pictures, then use what we've got to create his own story. AND I tell you what the pretend conversations that go on while he's playing are priceless. So go on check out the book for your little one and let their imaginations soar.
The NDD Book by Dr. William Sears is really revealing! He discusses the idea that our children are so unhealthy that it contributes to nearly ALL aspects, yes, ALL of our child's learning, behavior, and health problems. Instead of kids being diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, and a large gamut of other disorders they should instead be diagnosed with NDD- Nutrition Deficit Disorder. I can speak from personal experience because I have a child that has never been Vaccinated and yet suffers from a few disorders associated with autism spectrum disorder. So for those who claim that vaccines are the key to unlocking the secrets of autism I'm here to tell you, ITS NOT THE ONLY FACTOR!!! Because this is a highly debated topic Sears does a great job of gently introducing the idea to parents of what a real healthy diet looks like for your child. For example, here's a list from chapter 11.
Here's a list of seven ways you can prevent NDD:
- Feed your family grow foods.
- Reshape your tastes.
- Begin the day with a brainy breakfast.
- Raise a grazer.
- Encourage healthy eating while out and at school.
- Raise a supermarket savvy shopper.
- Supplement, if necessary.
The book is full of great tips, information, and encouraging advice! Check it out.
Grace to You, Jenna